Last week I was feeling the "speed of light" feeling about the summer days, this week although busy and lots of things to do, I am experiencing the expansiveness of each day. The weather has been quite lovely, somewhat cooler than normal, but the hot sun still feels warm on my cheeks. I have been eating out of doors many days, and enjoying a cup of coffee and paper in the morning sun. It is the last days of July and my body has settled into the rhythms of the light, the position of the sun, the buzzing of the bees, and the birds singing wildly. I have taken several Fridays off of work and enjoy the stretch of the weekend, summer trips are planned, and a longer time off in September. What luxury, how lucky I am to be able to have these kinds of choices. I spend my workdays focused on how people can be a part of our workforce, can have health insurance, coordinated self directed care - people make jokes about pushing people into work. I have noticed over a number of ye...