Last week my Grandmother visited me. She doesn't come often, I have wished for her to come to me in my dreams, or to get another hand made card in the mail. As I slept in a bed away from home, she most have decided that she liked the digs, cause she came in her full unconditionally loving way. I sat in bed being enfolded in her arms. As we talked she stroked my hair, and I could feel every part of me held sweetly. She was happy, content and so was I. Timeless.
When I was sharing my dream with a friend, she said, "she is your mother god". Wow could I think of my grandmother who loved me so well, who was so important in my life, as a god? "But she was flawed", I said. Look around you my loving friend said, "you think god is without flaws?"
What a gift my little visit with my grandmother, it was so very real and tender and revitalizing. Of course she was my mother god, a divine presence, the one who loved my dreams and encouraged me to have more.
Still dreaming, still loving, still remembering, still feeling the gifts of my mother god. Thanks Gramma.