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The Sun Rises Beautifully

Blessings of gratitude for the sunrises.

While my heart was aching this morning, trying to take in the the federal budget mess, the division in Congress, the passing the MN Health and Human Services bill out of the Ways and Means committee yesterday, after knowing how much of the bill has is smoke and mirrors, the march of the Tea Party, the whimper of the progressives....well there before my eyes was this amazing break of light and color.

Beauty before my eyes. It reminded me of my thanks for all the people who are praying, fasting, believing that we can manifest a country a world that is more loving, more kind, more compassionate, more smart, and less greedy, less mean, less power hungry and ego driven.

I am sending thanks and deep care for all of my friends in WI how have worked so tirelessly in the Supreme Court Election and there is no official winner yet, a recount seems certain. I know about living with a recount! Another reminder of how closely divided we are at the election polls. Tonight the MN House hears the Omnibus bill and it will surely pass. Then to Conference Committee, just in time for the weekend!
It seems certain the Governor will veto. Then our own looming shut-down?

In all of these politically driven outcomes, what is the vision that I want, that you want. How do we stay clear about what today and tomorrow and the future looks like? Imagine that world, that neighborhood, that interaction with the next person you meet on the street, the next person I meet while walking the dogs.

The way out is the way in, and the way in is the way out. I am feeling those prayers, I am feeling the care, just for a moment as I do this musing meditative practice of noticing, telling, being.
