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Walking Water Street and more Quidi Vidi....

 The rhythms of St John's are so inviting, we seemed to easily find days and early evenings where we did what we had hoped to do, and didn't find ourselves overdoing.  There was always time to for a bench, a coffee house, somewhere to rest and take in all that was around us.  We hatched a plan to walk to Water Street, it is all downhill, a very steep downhill.  We would then take a Uber back to our little row house because it was all uphill, a very steep uphill.  

We made our way slowly downhill and once on Water Street walked in and out of stores and spent a very long time at the visitors center talking to a young and very enthusiastic guide.  We left with a few maps, and so very very many recommendations not only for St John's but across the island.

Water Street is closed to vehicular traffic during the summer months.  There were not many visitors on the day we strolled down in the middle of the street, but we could imagine what it was like when the big cruise ships started landing just one block over.  Our destination was a park, recommended by the guide at the information center, at the end of Water Street.  We strolled, and talked, and I tried on a great raincoat that I would have loved to have, but it was way too much money!  The weather was just right, not too hot, not too cool and the sun did spend a lot of time behind the clouds.  There were people young and old out enjoying the day.  I don't think that we bought a thing, sorry St John merchants but we had a good time, and did end our little tour at the  Memorial Park.   

We were ready for a rest before we made our way back to Quidi Vidi for our supper at Mallard Cottage.  This evening at the Mallard Cottage was the only of my long ago made restaurant reservations that we were able to keep.  I had spent winter mornings while drinking my tea or coffee thinking about this little cottage, about this simple menu, about being in Quidi Vidi which was only a part of my imagination.  The good news is that our evening did not disappoint.  The wait staff was friendly, informative but not too overbearing.  My halibut was the best that I have had in a long long time.  We were not rushed.  We had the sweetest table by the window where we could enjoy the views both inside and out.  It was a lovely evening and it was even better because we were going to do the next long awaited thing the very next day, we were going to see puffins and whales.  We had already long ago let go of seeing an iceberg.  Icebergs will wait for the next trip.

Our evening in Quidi Vidi felt so so very far away from the neighborhood that we were staying in, just a few minutes away.  We were transported by the views, the mists, the food, the drink and feelings of this very very old cottage that is now a restaurant and Inn.  The day floated past as I drove us slowly back home.  Happy, content, still savoring the tastes, the smells, the views of our day.
