Drifts up above my waist, actual temperature = zero, with wind chills - double digits. 18" fell in my backyard. Front page of the newspaper tells the stories. The metrodome roof didn't make it.
The biggest snowstorm to hit the Twin Cities since the Halloween storm a generation ago whited out -- and pretty much paralyzed -- the metro area and much of the rest of Minnesota Saturday. I was here in Minnesota in the late 90's when we had the Halloween storm it snowed for 4 days, and there were ruts in the roads for the rest of the winter, it was awesome.
Yesterday's storm pretty impressive as well. No Christmas Carol at the Guthrie, no night out with my family, and the friends who decided to camp out at my house couldn't get here because the buses were pulled. I love when mother nature just shows here hand. This is clearly beauty and danger.
The cupboards are stocked. The girls are well. Not well enough to understand that they have to go out and do their duties, we'll try again today, I have several "stations" dug out for them...they are snuggled on their bed. I must be more distressed than they are.
December 12th, the women's quote for the day:
Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you.