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Trees, trees, vistas and Antigonish - Newfoundland Bound

 It is a Tuesday morning in late June, it is very early.  At 5 a.m. both Marcia (my dear friend and travel mate to Newfoundland) and I are up, dressed, and ready to start our adventure.  The car has been packed the night before and we are more than ready to hit the road.  At 6 a.m. eastern daylight time we pass through the border crossing into Canada and immediately lost one hour.  7 a.m. Atlantic Daylight Savings time.  The weather was good, it was cloudy and made it easy on the eyes as I began the drive through miles and miles of trees.  You gotta like trees if you are traveling in the northeast and maritime provinces, there are lots and lots of trees. So many trees and big vista's, in late June lush, green expansive vistas.  Our destination for the day, Antigonish, Nova Scotia


My friends Don and Janet had recommended Antigonish as a good stop over before heading to the Car Ferry in North Sydney the following day.  Antigonish has the largest "Highlands Games" outside of Scotland, and there was a feel of being very much farther than 6 hours away from home.  We stayed at the Maritime Inn, the rooms were good, a nice breakfast came along with the room and we were able to walk the Main Street shops and our Tuesday night supper.  I bought an Antigonish "tartan" plaid apron as a momento of the first stop on our adventure, I liked the idea of cooking and making in the kitchen and wearing the first day of our long planned trip to Newfoundland.  We walked and browsed and decided that the Townhouse was definitely the place to go for supper.  Very very good food, a delightful space reminding me more of England than the US, and an absolutely lovely way to wind up our first day.  Tired, full, and anticipating the next day we walked back to our Inn.  We said good night each went to our side by side rooms and  I watched a little women's basketball (Chicago Sky/Indiana Fever) then scrubbed  basketball game and promptly fell asleep.  Day One in the Books.  


Margaret Anderson Anderson said…
What a wonderful way to document and savour your first day and the trip. Looking forward to reading more.