At acupuncture today we were able to do a treatment that opens one up to the fullness of the spirit - "windows to the sky". Five Element Acupuncture is so rooted in nature and allows one to go to such a basic constitutional level - it is just the right support that I want and yearn for in my life right now. Rachael (my acupuncturist) said before she did the points, that it would feel like an expansive opening up - and yes it is! How great to have some deep moments of feeling such balance within self. Then on the way home I was listening to jazz 88.5 fm --- and there was Ben Sidran talking to the host of Jazz and the Spirit - about his cd - life's a lesson --- liturgical jewish music! Many of the vocal tracks were recorded in Minneapolis and I was there listening and loving the singing of my friends Lynette and Ben. The cd (Life's a Lesson - ) has been balm for many times of travail in my life, and a lesson on how music can be such a prayer. It felt like such a gift, to be lifted through the windows to the sky, and then be held in the prayers of such powerful and beautiful jewish music exquisitely brought to life through the life of jazz.
I started the day, feeling pulled by the absence of the natural beauty that I have been in over the past several weeks, and ended the day immersed in the beauty and prayer of my internal landscape. In the interview tonight Ben said, "prayer is the heart's deepest desire. Music is prayer, the surrender to our deepest desire". Not bad for a ride back home!