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HC Debate, March Madness and Farm Girl Saison

Oh what a Sunday. The sun is shining, I am sweeping and sorting and tossing as the basketballs go up and down the court, and I am switching back and forth from the sport of basketball to the sport of the House of Representatives. The Health Care debate is seems that Rep. Ryan from WI is the GOP point person, haven't seen Ms. Bachmann yet, but I am sure she will appear. It is already getting swarmy and tense and the actual vote is hours off. This is when you have to love being in this democracy with such arcane rules and rituals and history! So I keep flipping channels and have a great Lift Bridge Farm Girl Saison close by to honor my working class background and the strides that education and hard work was provided for me and my family. Let's get on with Health Care - I can't even begin to tell you how many decisions have been made in my based on my always present need for health care. I was diagnosed with Asthma at 6 months old in 1950. Spent countless days and evenings in the emergency room and in hospital beds as a kid, and an occasional ambulance! What would it have been like if I was able to make choices that didn't put health care first! Not that I'm complaining! I love my work in state government and policy making! and Today is Historic and as I watch the protests outside of the capitol some of it is hysterical! Stay tuned. More basketbell, more debate and more beer!
