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It is Sunday morning, I have a cup of tea and I am sitting on my front porch.  My front porch has windows, and it is a little cool this morning so I am sipping my very hot cup of "paris blend" and enjoying the morning rays of sun.  I have started several times over these past few days to write and found myself just savoring.

transitive verb. 1 : to give flavor to : season. 2a : to have experience of : taste. b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish. c : to delight in : enjoy savoring the moment.
I have been savoring moments, the definition dos not say "to be carried away" but that is what has been happening,  I have been carried away or maybe I have just been very present.  Maybe what I was enjoying so much was being "carried within".  Whatever I might name the experience I have been enjoying, it has had a lot of noticing and appreciating.   
The birds are chirping, singing, making a lot of good noise.  Ground squirrels are running back and forth to climb up my tree hugging tree.  Eva, the springer spaniel that lives next door, has also been running back and forth and barked loud and long when she saw me on the porch,  I am usually on the side porch, she forgets that this is my house.  
So I am going back to savoring,  yesterday I was on a mission to find out about the people that bring fresh lobsters from the mid-coast to Sherman.  What I didn't know is that there was an auction also going on in town.  This was a big big auction,  cars lined up and down every street, food stand with people lined up to eat, and finally I spotted a truck with very large coolers strapped to the back.  I found the lobsters,  they did not have any extra (it is all "pre-order") however I achieved what I had hoped,  I have an order for next Saturday, a phone number to text and an address to go to.  They have an orange buoy in the yard!  I am already savoring the lobster whatever that I will make, Meghan is coming and I am sure she will bake something marvelous as well.  
After ordering my lobsters, I went to Ada's, the children all came out to say hello as I checked out the vegetables and chatted with Ada about my need for a big bushel of tomatoes for canning.  I will get tomatoes next week along with lobsters...savoring.
Meanwhile the bluejays have been flying by, and when I see the blue glint from the sun I am reminded of my quick little turn around trip to Rockport to see some Minnesota friends,  Katherine and Robert were on the midcoast for work and I drove down on Thursday and came home Friday afternoon.  The weather could not have been more perfect.  The water was lovely.  Visiting and catching up even better.  We sat on my deck at Glen Cove Inn laughing, sharing, marveling about life since we last saw each other.  We shared grandchildren pics and stories and I shared about my dinner at the Lost Kitchen.  
We had a good evening in Camden, after way too many failed attempts at finding take out or a table, we landed at 40 Paper and we had a wonderful time - good food and company, enjoying being out and being with each other.
I savored the smiles, taking in the stories as tasty as each of our dishes.
I like to go away, to see people who are not here where I live, and I like to come home.    I enjoy being somewhere different, to see and smell and feel the way that the new vistas and tiny sightings touch me.  Another kind of savoring.

I wanted to share about the food I have been making and the bounty I am enjoying, but that is for another day.  For now I am savoring the changing sky, not quite certain if it will rain or it will not.  I am enjoying the light, the light that is moving into fall, and now I am starting my day.

It is Sunday, the last of the summer holiday weekends.  I am getting ready for today, wondering what I might be able to savor today. 


