I am in DC for meetings at DHHS on research on mental illness and employment. Translating research, theory, funding, silos, stovepipes and then just real people is exhausting. I am always the "state" person vs. the PhD researcher - and feel a need to keep interjecting some kind of perspective that feels real from my day to day perspective. So after all day of very good discussion, debate and listening - it was off to enjoy one the "beauties" of our US Government - the Smithsonian... I am staying across the street from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, I went to see New Deal for Artists 1934 - seems so appropriate for NOW. The artwork that was commissioned by WPA is amazing, and the exhibit is great - it is being shown until January 10, 2010. Here is a quote on the wall above a stunning painting of the building of the golden gate bridge:
" The PWAP has been a recognition of the value of culture and arts in American life. It is a significant example of the President's desire to give the people of this country "a more abundant life". Edward Bruce, National Exhibit of Art by the Public Works of Arts Project, 1934
May we all remember how important art is for each of us each day and not forget the value of artists in our appreciation of the diversity of culture of life in America today.