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Slice of Moon

With no apparent reason I woke up very early this a.m. and got out of bed, went to the sliding doors that look out towards the east, and there in the sky venus and a sliver of moon.  It was so quiet, just getting light.  The moon was just vibrating, moonlight radiating forth.  I kept looking and had a big thank you in my heart.  I don't have many conversations during the day about these amazing divine moments.  But that is what it felt like this morning.  I was given a big bolt of divinity, feeling like I am a part of it all, not separate.  Tonight, I can't see the moon.  There is a drone of bugs, and cars and planes - and I am listening to the TV folks talking about health care and abandoning the public option in this round of health care reform....where is our courage,  where are the divine moments, how many people must continue to make bad or worse decisons about taking care of our health.  When can we focus on health and not the profits of the industry, the United Health Cares, the pharmaceuticals, the administrators.  Why is what I am being asked to do is give money so more ads can be bought.  So I am glad to remember that divine moment, illumination by moonlight and hanging onto hope.  Hope?  Change?  
