Oh you knew it had to happen, when basking in 70 degree weather in April - there has to be payback. This is Minnesota. It has been gray, cold, rainy for days, still is that way. The weather matches the mood at the capitol, where the governor vetos budget bill with taxes, and the conference committee continues to pound things out on the health and human service bill, and no one understands what is next. The session must adjourn on Monday. This is the time of the session, where adults do what you tell every kid and teenager to not do in preparing for academic tasks or work --- do not pull an all-nighter! So without sleep, with special interest, lobbyist, state workers, and more all trolling around the edges think drone on to some kind of end. By the time they get there everyone wants to just go home and sleep and forget about it! This sentiment matches what greets one as they step outside the capitol, it is gray, it is raining and it is very cold outside. Bundle up it isn't over yet!