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Calling the Grandmothers of the Earth


2004 Gay Pride March - Minneapolis

Calling All Grandmothers - A poem by Alice Walker

We have to live
or we
will die
in the same
old ways.
I call on all Grand Mothers
on the planet
to rise
and take your place
in the leadership
of the world.
Come out
of the kitchen
out of the
out of the beauty parlors
out of the television.
Step forward
and assume
the role
for which
you were
to lead humanity
to health, happiness
and sanity.
I call on
all the
Grand Mothers
of Earth
and every person
who possesses
the Grand Mother
of respect for
protection of
the young
to rise
and lead.


I saw this poem this morning and then found this photo oh Myah, Luke and I,  Sasha had hand printed t-shirts for them both to wear to watch the Gay Pride Parade, it was 2004.  We had a great place to sit on the street, and they had so much fun, they ran out and got candy, condoms, pamphlets, and Luke had so much fun running through the vulva float....they danced and sang and the three generations had a great day - celebrating.  

Sixteen years later,  they are both still celebrating diversity, standing up and finding their way as both Native and white and they have dreams of making the world more equitable and just.  I text them both in their respective cities, Chicago and Irvine, they are working hard at their studies, and I send them articles, news, whatever I want them to read or see.   I get a few things back to check out.  They both vote and have requested their absentee ballots.    I am proud of them and I expect a lot of them just like I did from their Mom and Dad.   They are good stewards, conscious citizens, and they give me hope.  

Need hope today as the insanity continues to swirl.  Trump is in full reality TV mode and continues  his McCarthy on steroids, it is disgusting and terrifying and at least this part of it I hope to soon be over.  

So I lean into the poets,  into the grandmothers, the ones who are finding their place now and will move us into the future.  Health, happiness, sanity, human dignity, care and most of all love.   Calling the grandmothers, call the grandmother spirit, help bring us out of the old, dark, worn out, and hateful.  We will continue on towards health, happiness, sanity, human dignity, care and most of all love.  Our children, our grandchildren and the great grands will join and help to lead the way. 

