Yesterday had big big winds. A very large limb from one of the biggest trees in my "mini-back 40" snapped and fell. Luckily it was in a place where it is not creating a big problem. The top to my "grill cabana" loosened and fell to the ground, the good news was that it did not blow away and I was able to get both the top, frame and grill all tucked away into their winter home in the grill. The electricity was out for a couple of hours, Nate (of my most needed and appreciated Richardson's Hardware) came by to start my generator. It would not start. He took back to the shop and it is being attended to so it is ready to start the next time the power goes out. The longest consequence of the wind and storm was that my cable, internet, phone went out in the morning and did not get restored until almost 9 pm last night. So no blogging for me...
Today, was calm, the sky blue and the sun shining. There were lots of colored leaves that have blown off the trees. There are still people without power, and there are places that have no internet or phone. I drove to Millinocket for a library training, but it couldn't happen because they had no internet. More time to visit. I did visit.
...and I got Mexican food from the AT Cafe! I got home in time for my homeopath's first zoom discussion about homeopathy, it is simple to understand, very interesting and short. I put all the dishes away and cleaned up the kitchen while listening to her talk. Life is good.
....and the front porch has become my new "go to " place. I can sit and rock and be surrounded by light. Light (in this time especially) is good right now. Let there be light.
It is Thursday. I can't quite believe that September is over. It is October 1st. Buckle Up, Speak Out, and Don't Succumb to Despair. Let there be light. Be the Light.