Well, here we are over 208,000 people in the United States have died in less than eight months, over 7 million infected and now the president, his wife and his close close associate ms. hicks are all infected, and the house of cards have not been all dealt out yet. The number one person who has done his absolute best to spread lies, chaos, disinformation and obfuscation is infected. Today her has probably gone longer than he has since starting this night on the campaign trail in 2016 without a f___ing tweet.
Of course it is almost impossible to not be surprised, dismayed, conflicted, whatever about this new gut punch. It is horrifying to try to imagine what they knew when and how many people have been exposed and infected. It is impossible to imagine that he will remain tweet-less and in quarantine. I have quit wondering what tomorrow will bring, but if it has to do with trump it is something that one could never just make it, the reality as imagined by trump is bleak and dark and filled with a small group of winners - trump and those that are willing to give up democracy, decency and integrity just to fall in line.
I am tired. I am worried. The election is thirty one days away. People are already voting. The sun is not shining today. Not here. I am sick of the racism, the hatred, the disregard for human life, for our country and for democracy. I want more. I want him gone. I know that we will be left with the country we have after the election, but I am holding on to my belief that we can be better than this. That our country can begin to move forward towards real reconciliation, retribution, understanding we the people, is all the people.
It is Friday. It is the second day of October. 2020 has been something none of us could have imagined and yet here we are. I do remember yesterday's light and I know that there will be light again, I can feel it deep inside.