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Democracy, Laser Surgery and the Slow Recovery Continues

I am still coughing away as I type (good thing germs can't attach to blog sites!), however I do believe that I am improving. I ache less, my chest is not as sore, and I do have a bit of energy. This is all good. I have mostly gotten over wondering when this is going to be done, and know that I am going to be so very appreciative when I feel as if my health has returned to me. Yesterday I did go to work, and I actually could participate and was not crabby or inappropriate! Last night was our city caucus where we select Ward and City Delegates. I have a good friend and a fine person who is running for the city council so this was a can not miss! There was a spaghetti supper at the Italian American club before the caucus started. This is one major benefit of a community organizer/activist/neighbor being a foodie. The place was jumping! Every event I have gone to for Kevin I meet new people everyone is up for community and we all know how important this momentum and reality is to the campaign. Then it was off to the middle school, lots of people, lots of people, once again democracy in full force! We did good on our delegate count and are going to keep the momentum going. I am a delegate and looking forward to next month! That is when the Ward races will be endorsed by the DFL through our convention. Then in May we move into City Wide race of Mayor, and more! Minnesota at it's finest.

Then this morning I drove to Southdale Hospital Eye Clinic to get laser surgery to correct a problem that sometimes occurs when you have new lens put into your eyes. I got my left eye done. It was a snap. I love my Doctor, and he too loves food and travel and dogs so we always have great conversations! I go back next week for the right eye, left eye done. I can already see the improvement.

Acupuncture right after - building up reserves, lots of moxa, and needling and good care.

Pho and rest and a moment to be able to be on my computer. Improvement, even incremental is good.

Bonus above freezing over 40 and high brilliant sun. And Sunday we Spring Ahead, yeah.
