The MN War on Unallotment has begun! Yesterday the Gov, that would be Pawlenty who is voluntarily leaving his job at the end of 2010 (he is not running for a third term) announced his proposed cuts in order to balance the state budget. All on his own strong back! The MN War article (just hit the link!) goes to an article in the MinnPost (online newspaper mostly anchored by former MSP Journalist from the two dailies here - it is great!) Turning the volume down on this is going to be impossible, and it might be one of the better community organizing tools to come around in a long time! No one has ever unalloted at this level before. At the press conference that Pawlenty held to announce that he would not run for a third term - he said the legislative session ended just fine. So here we are - only one very good senator, the MN Supreme Court is deliberating and writing their opinion, the RNC says that they will take Norm Coleman's case to the U.S. Supreme Court if this ruling favors Al Franken (remember him?), he is the comedian that has run and won in MN. He now has enough material to last a comedian a life time! We have a lame duck governor who just slashed 2.675 BILLION out of the state budget. An example of his cuts, letting the $50 campaign donation reimbursement expire-he won't be running for office in MN anymore so why reward public contributions. Then there's the $1.77 BILLION accounting shift in the education fund - don't know when or how that will be paid back, but HE won't be the governor who will have to lead the state in figuring that one out!