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Showing posts from November, 2010

Ready for Lola and Daisey

Tomorrow is the day. The weather is supposed to be great. The plan has been set. Radar is here and ready to meet the new members of the clan. All is well. Walking done, pj's on, temperature rising. Good check in with Radar's Mom. All is well. Keep giving thanks.

The Beauty in it All

Yesterday was just great. Harvesting all of the brussels sprouts, digging the celeraic, beets, carrots. Snipping the last of the parsley and a few other herbs. I roasted the root vegetable, the 8 pound turkey was amazingly good, the venison tenderloin was so tasty. We had wines from the U.S. (I brought pinot noir from Eric K. James my friends vineyard in Sonoma), then onto France, Italy, Germany. The hardtack was a great success, and this never assembled before group of eight people. A delight. Lots to be thankful for, new beginnings, appreciation for the decades that Fina and I have been friends. And all around the beauty of the land. Oh the gifts of thankfulness.

Iowa County Wisconsin

The ice came, it is still coming, and I have been settled into the farm for hours before the rain started and then turned to ice. A jumbo dose of giving thanks. This ride across the ridges and through the valleys were the first of the fall, no leaves, and expansiveness that is so different than on the last visit when it was so green it almost hurt my eyes. There was no color anywhere today. The treelines, the rock formations and the places where the glaciers just stopped are amazing. This is the driftless land. The farm is seventeen miles west of Taliesin . The bigger than life horizontal landscape that is everywhere here most certainly informed Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture. I am sitting in Fina's new studio, it is a beautiful space. Today made more beautiful as I watch Fina knit, we listen to Ben Sidran, and we give thanks for the decades of friendship that we have had together. The turkey was killed this morning, it is dressed and ready for our meal tomorrow. A n...

Ahead of the Storm

I have literally gone over the river and through the woods, and am now in LaCrosse. This is more than half-way to Serafina's. I got home after work, after the celebration retirement party for Sharon, and after the pep talk from Sasha determined to pack and jump into the car as quickly as possible. By 11 p.m. in my room, free internet and no ice or snow. I think I have gotten south and east far enough tonight to avoid the worst of the impending Thanksgiving storm. Start the thanks. I am here. I am thankful for the wonderful moon that followed me the entire drive. I am grateful for the radio station that played really fun Arlo Guthrie music. I am grateful that breakfast will be delivered first thing in the morning. Ahhhh.

Home Visit Delayed

This morning the world as it linked from Minneapolis was a sheet of ice. Poor Radar, slipped and slid all over the place, he looked at me like I was the cause of it all. We put the ice melt down on the sidewalk across the driveway. It helped, the ice melted, and Radar was upright. What did not get worked out was my home visit with Daisey and Lola. They are two shih tzu sisters who are currently in a foster home with Homeward Bound. I have been approved for adoption, today was when I would meet them. Myah was here, Radar was here, we were all ready. The weather did not cooperate. The foster mom felt so bad and greatly relieved that she did not have to try to drive from Blaine to NE Minneapolis. We are making another plan, either Tuesday night or next Sunday morning or evening. Tentative date for them to come live with me, December 2nd or 3rd. I have gotten past another wave of doubt and fear. I have had a few more people step up and offer to help. I have gotten good wishes a...

It's Cold Outside

Yesterday the weatherman on public radio spent all time telling his listeners about the cold plunge that is due to happen. We are still above normal in MN, but that is due in large part to the first week of month, which was very warm (from our standard), now we are below normal in the temperature category. We have snow on the ground, and the cold cover is moving away. I didn't need a weatherman to remind me that the warmness from the earth and the cloud cover help us to be warmer, when clouds go away the heat rises and just keeps going. That is what is happening here in Minnesota. I am going to bring extra clothes and candles in the car when I take off for neighboring Wisconsin next week. Welcome to the dark, we are growing closer and closer to the shortest day. Keep up the humor.

Horary Party for the Metals!

Off at 4:30 a.m. today to the annual "metal" horary party tune up. Fall is the season for "metals", and my 5 Element Acupuncture practitioner offers a seasonal tune up. She uses astrology and whatever else to come up with the time and and the date. Our time is always very EARLY -- so at 4:45 a.m. we are all laughing and smiling, and getting our treatment! The light is just coming and I am back home, another cup of coffee has been drunk and I am feeling the effects of a great tune up, or maybe coffee. It feels good. I found a few tips from another acupuncturist for autumn, wanted to share! We still have 5 weeks left! TIPS FOR THE AUTUMN Even with some luscious summer-like days in the past few weeks, we can feel the crispness in the air and see the change in the light that tells us that Fall is definitely here. Five-Element Acupuncture calls this the season of METAL. Here are some things to keep in mind as we move into this season of decrease as the energ...

Calm after the Storm

The lawn chairs look sad and neglected, filled with wet day old snow. The sky is gray, very gray, and the temperature is steady just above freezing. There are still big trees branches and limbs on the roads around my house, and many streets have not been plowed. It is the day after the most one-day snowfall in November in Minneapolis in the past 18 years. We got a month of average snowfall in one day. My house is warm and cleaned and grass-fed beef stew is bubbling on the stove. This weekend has been a big preview of winter, even though it is more than one month until winter solstice. This is Minnesota, we are not surprised, and it is sobering when you count on your fingers how many months before we feel the amazing warmth of the sun. I am practicing keeping my shoulders lowered and not hunched up around my neck. I am remembering the beautiful site of snow falling freely yesterday, and I am grateful that I am not one of the 200,000 customers without power. Welcome to the firs...

First Snow

There is nothing tame about this snowfall. It is making a big I AM First statement. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I knew long before I looked out the window that the snow had come. There is a certain light in the night when it is snowing, and the glow was apparent as well as a little layer of snow. Five hours later, the snowing is still blowing and there is about a 3" snow top on the patio table that has not yet been put away for winter. We might get 8-10 inches. It is white with snow everywhere. It is wet and the flakes are large. It is beautiful. I know there are lots of people who do not want snow, I am not one of them. I like the snow. I wasn't planning on liking it this weekend, but I am home, there are not a lot of demands for the weekend. I feel as if I have spaciousness to just let myself enjoy the beauty, be able to turn up the heat, have a cup of tea and welcome the first snow of what will be a LONG winter.

Bliss and Ecstasy

Radar came over to his "Other Mother" (OM) this afternoon. The sun was shining and the warmth hit my cheeks, and the coolness in the air stirred all around, the sky was brilliant blue. I took out the toy that Radar has started to fetch, we went out in the yard and he just went wild with joy and bliss. I three the toy, he ran and leaped and jumped with the toy in his mouth, then he would run and run around and around in the yard. Then he would drop the toy, I would throw it, and it would start all over again -- I am sure he was in bliss and was too! Later I left Radar for awhile and went to hear The Yuval Ron Ensemble for an evening of Sufi Devotional Music, poetry, teaching storing and Whirling. The evening performance was called a "Turning Heart". It was so very wonderful. It was ecstasy. I was leaping and jumping and opening and turning just like Radar did in the afternoon. We are both smiling and ready to snuggle in for the evening, hearts open, stomac...

Wow - What a Sunrise!

I got the best welcome home gift! First a dinner handed to me when I got to my house, after the ride from the airport. An evening of just doing nothing! Then this a.m. my window eastward facing showed the most amazing sunrise. Again and again and again I am eased, inspired, healed and rejuvenated by the colors and textures and rapidly change light that comes with the sunrise. I know in my heart and soul why some cultures make sure that they sit, watch and honor sunrise and sunset. It is probably the transition of most ease for me. It comes later know, I don't have to chase the sunlight as in high summer. This transition to and form light, the most subtle and outrageous palette in the sky is a blessing, a simple blessing. I wonder for each of us what is that special simple something that continues to just move us no matter how many times and in how many ways we bear witness and our souls soar.

The Further North I Go, The Warmer It Is!

Almost 70 degrees when I stepped out of the airport. The whole family is back in MN. Daughter and Son in Law went to Birthday Party for the "uncles" in Miami, it was 60 degrees and windy. Good thing they went to Florida with coats on. I kept hearing that it was going to be warm in NJ in DC and although nothing terrible. There could have been more sun and warmth. Then when I was flying towards home, and being so very glad to be at the end of my trip, I watched an amazing sunset high up in the sky, and the best sliver of moon. The plane came in early, friends picking me up, dinner wrapped up and in a bag, and oh what a great November evening. No place like home.

Great Sheets

Oh my, it is almost time to go home. My head is filled with great thinking and listening and synthesizing. My heart is pulled by all the interactions and moments with people whom I have shared the past 15 years of my career. My body loved the sheets. I got into bed last night, and sighed, the sheets were great. When all said in done, I am a physical gal, I could not believe how happy and appreciative I was about the sheets on the bed. It was a big sigh, and then about 4-5 hrs. of uninterrupted sleep and then a little more. Off to enjoy the last night of this trip. Glad I will have soft, wonderful sheets. Then the best be of all -- my own.

Chopped Pesto

The best way to meet new friends is in the kitchen and at the table. I don't know who said that first, but I know it is a truism. Last night outside of Princeton, I a great recently redone 40-ish feeling kitchen I orchestrated a supper for six. There was a transplanted Minnesotan, 2 couples who have known each other for years (one couple introduced the other pair to each other!). As an introvert, what better way to spend an evening with new folks and more than 2 of them - is to have a job! I was the cook. Thank you Lynn Rosetto Kasper, I decided to try the recipe of the week Pasta with Chopped Pistachio Pesto . It was great, Gary made the pasta, homemade, raised and rolled out by hand. Romanesco Broccoli was just right, both on the side and on top of the pasta, and the chopped pesto - yummm. Do try the recipe , it was a big hit. It is the kind of dish that you can take giant liberties with -- following your heart and your hands. Irv, the usual cook in the kitchen had j...

geography lessons

Sitting in bakery shop in Lawrenceville NJ, heading over to New Hope PA and I could drive to NY or DE this a.m. as well. The entire NE is like the "quad" cities area IL-MN-IA-WI, however the big difference is that beyond this location it is hours between interstate travel. I am enjoying the exploration of small towns vs. the big cities. I have rented a car and taken the train, I have sought out pedestrian options. Exploring and checking out how does this feel out here in what they call the Mid-Atlantic vs. the Northeast vs. the Midwest. I am coffee up'ed, gps on, sun shining, and I am off into my next multi state extraganza!

Rain in DC

Sirens roar, streets are blocked off, the winds have started to blow and the rain is coming down. I was at the Department of Labor yesterday. It is a short walk from their offices to the capitol. It was surreal, the President was giving his press conference as my small group huddled together, our paper tags on our coats waiting for our escort. I was with workforce development and disability folks from Connecticut and Maryland. CT folks didn't discuss election, the MD folks had been celebrating that their Governor held onto his bid for re-election! MN folks, held back the "here we go again" phrase. At some point a federal staff asked us if we had talked to our Governor. We don't have one! or We have Three! I am still feeling glad to be so far away as everyone (including me!) takes in the MN election results. Today I am taking some time to just behold beauty and art before heading onto the next work meeting, the next hotel, and the opportunity to just be pr...

In the Darkness Dia de los Muertos

Light is just breaking and here we are the in-betweens. The Day of the Dead, please you Mom, Gramma, Perry, Steve, Peggy, Delores, Evelyn, and on and on...those who have passed over and those who are to come. The colors of almost darkness are so subtle and gentle. Imagine all the altars being built today honoring those who have been loved so dearly. Marigolds, candles, pieces of food and those things that are just around us, made into ritual honoring the love. Burning the candles. Continuing the light as we move deeper and deeper in the darkness.

56 Years

Day of the Dead, and SF Giants win the World Series. Not much of a ball fan anymore, but one cannot admire the underdog. I was 4 years old when the NY Giants won the World Series, I just saw on the TV gas was $.21 per gallon. Happy players. Texas not so much. WGN and the Cubs were on the TV always as I was a kid, glad for SF! I loved the Cubs as a kid, my brother when he left home, moved across the street from the White Sox ballpark. I used to follow the Brewers, go for opening day. Now a few times a year I enjoy the pure simplicity and beauty of balls/strikes/innings. A winner a loser. Rules. Take me out to the ballpark. Yeah San Francisco. How fitting thinking about my Gramma, my Grampa, my Mom, others who have passed - they would have liked this game tonight!