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Horary Party for the Metals!

Off at 4:30 a.m. today to the annual "metal" horary party tune up. Fall is the season for "metals", and my 5 Element Acupuncture practitioner offers a seasonal tune up. She uses astrology and whatever else to come up with the time and and the date. Our time is always very EARLY -- so at 4:45 a.m. we are all laughing and smiling, and getting our treatment! The light is just coming and I am back home, another cup of coffee has been drunk and I am feeling the effects of a great tune up, or maybe coffee. It feels good. I found a few tips from another acupuncturist for autumn, wanted to share! We still have 5 weeks left!


Even with some luscious summer-like days in the past few weeks, we can feel the crispness in the air and see the change in the light that tells us that Fall is definitely here. Five-Element Acupuncture calls this the season of METAL. Here are some things to keep in mind as we move into this season of decrease as the energy falls.

· Pay attention to your breathing. According to Chinese medicine, the breath connects us to the Heavens and reminds us to take in that which is precious.

· Exercise. Consider a form of movement that incorporates attention to breathing such as yoga, qi gong, t’ai chi and martial arts.

· Eat a high-fiber diet with whole grains and greens to stimulate and open the bowels. Eat in an unhurried atmosphere to relax the colon. Choose foods that are in season. Fall is a good time for soup to soothe body and spirit.

· Practice letting go: identify an old hurt resentment or regret and release it by repeating to yourself “I am willing to let it go.”

· Remember that there will be seasons when life appears empty. During such a drought - when you’ve lost faith or your connection to your spirit - when you feel you’re in a desert, remember that deserts can bloom unexpectedly.

· Grieve your losses. Unmourned losses can become like scar tissue that blocks future growth.

· Remember that every ending can also be a new beginning. Focus on what lies ahead two seasons from now.

· Go through closets and drawers and throw out what you no longer use or need. If you haven’t needed it for two years, let it go.

· Create rituals and routine. They enhance spiritual growth. Make a ritual of watching the sunrise or sunset each day. Light a candle when you meditate or put on your favorite music when you clean house.

Enjoy the day. Breathe Breathe Breathe
