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A Turn in the Weather - Bundling up Body and Soul



I saw this plea on Facebook this morning.   My heart was so heavy as I read these words that so simply lay out the grief, the heartbreak, that weight of tragedy that is an intricate part of black and brown people's lives.  A plea to look, look at our reactions,  be willing to look at how their could be room for us all at the metaphorical "table".  How could we right the wrongs.  I wrapped these words around me today as I took care of the tasks of my day.  

 There seems like much weight today.  My body sporting a wool sweater, warm socks, needing to cover up to keep out the chill of the day.   The sun is warm, but in the morning it is darn chilly and as the sun goes down the chill returns.  These last days of August reminding me that September brings a new season.  There will be warm, even hot days to come, but these last few days have brought a chill, makes me want to bundle up and stay warm.

The past days also have brought the cold reality of police brutality and another black man shot in the back, seven times, a family, city, nation reeling from the onslaught of decades, centuries of racial injustice.  

People are bundling up understanding this change means being in for the long haul - needing to put on a wool sweater,  warm socks to support standing up, protesting, reflecting, finding empathy.  

The weight is heavy and supportive.   I am going to keep trying to do my part.  I applaud the athletes, who are doing their part.  They are showing another way.  

I will feel less heavy, maybe tomorrow, maybe not.  I am so aware of all the kinds of hurt and pain and weariness.   What a summer,  racial injustice ripping apart lives,  a pandemic that has brought 180,000 deaths in this country,  an outbreak in my community over 87 infections, many people sick, and one person dead.  It is a lot.  The warmth of the sun and all of my birthday love seems a little far away today.   It will return.

 It is Thursday.  The last night, thankfully,  of the RNC.  I am not watching, but it is hard to escape all images and lies.  I am heading off to bed early tonight.   Tomorrow morning will be cool again, but I am ready, I have had a couple of days of practicing bundling up.  I will be ready for the day!   


Judy said…
Beautiful writing, Janice and I are feeling all the same feelings