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Basketball, bill paying, felted bowls

Today was a recharge day.  I decided to not go out of the house.  I just had a completed whimp out day about the cold.  It's 2 degrees or so as I write, and it has been colder today, then there's the wind, and I had a pile of mail that has gotten larger and larger - so I decided it was "stay inside" day.  I had basketball on much of the day, it was background noise, except when the gopher's women's game was on!  It was ugly, they won, and I was glad to be home.  The pile of mail has been reduced substantially.  There is now a stack of envelopes, bills, letters, replies - finished.  Recharging, completion, finishing up - these are good things to do before Monday brings a new work week, a week when the Governor announces his budget,  we will hear (maybe) who will be the interim Deputy Commissioner and Medicaid Director - the current one will be gone on Friday,  and there will be countless meetings, contract negotiations, and more.  So it is good to have a day where I finished a book,  paid my bills, enjoyed some basketball, and most energizing -- I felted 6 new pieces.  4 bowls, 2 boxes.  They are formed,  some are drying around bowls, bottles, square containers.  They are each so different each one demanding its own process, and now they are all on their drying rack near the sliding door.  They beamed in the sunlight and now they are quietly getting ready to be a part of even more transformation.  When they dry I will needle felt more wool onto them,  I might put some beads and baubles and who knows what on these bowls!   Maybe I will put a surprise on the inside.  I won't know until they are in my hand, ready for the next step.  I know they will be even more beautiful.  I know that I have already connected with each one.  I knitted them, and felted them, and worked them into a shape that felt right and whole.  They will help me to know what is next.  Such a gift, being able to listen to our creative life force.  So amazing to honor the connection.  Such a good way to recharge, to be in today and get ready for tomorrow!
