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Elders of the Hopi Nation

I am anxious and excited and feel great anticipation for the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.  Today I put the inauguration poster on my blog site....Be The Change.  And I am also being pulled to listen.  To think and to try to understand from wise ones who carry a message that is clear in its history, who are willingly our teachers.  Reading Thich Nhat Hahn, messages from the Dalai Lama, former Presidential addresses.  What are the the threads, how do we, how do I continue to practice and embrace right action.  How do we find our way out of a world filled with war and terror and fear, and into our community, into ourselves?   This message from the Hopi nation has been out in the internet for a number of years, I have been reading and rereading 

We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour
Now we must go back and tell the people this is the Hour
And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth.

Create your community.
Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time.

There is a river flowing now very fast
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The Elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river, keep our ees open, and our head above the water.

See who is in there with you and Celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally,
Least of all, ourselves.

For the moement that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over.

Gather yourselves!

Banish the word "struggle" from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in Celebration.

"We are the ones we have been waiting for..."

---The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona

I am imagining, that this inaugural celebration is a time of gathering, recognizing 
and knowing the many convergences that are occurring.  What will we honor, what is it that is destructive? What is the destination of the river?  

We are the people of the world, one people.  The human race.  Bless us as we embrace change that brings us back to celebration of community of ourself.
