I love the lights of SF at night, the hills, the compactness, the row houses, and diverse styles. It is good. After an entire day and a half of meetings, it feels like I could be anywhere. Hotel conference rooms have two temperatures, no matter what time zone: freezing and getting too hot. I am suffering greatly as I have no anti-freeze left over from this winter. I have lots of layers on and I am still cold. The outside is a fading reality as we all move from one room with out a window, to the next cold windowless room. Good things there are engaged, insightful, talented presenters. All doing good work to try to reach the tipping point from poverty to greater interdependence to independence and control for people with disabilities who want to and do work! It is good to see lots of new faces and reconnect with those of us who have been doing this work for 15+years. Tomorrow, I move over to across the bay to Oakland, then onto Sonoma County for some down time....meanwhile I think the time zones are still different and I feeling the effects. The down side is I think the temperature remains the same whether in MN or CA. So here's to a weather or at least an attitude change!