I am on the west coast, and I continue to be pulled by the difference in our time zones. It is way early in the morning, when I talk to my friends on the east coast. My colleagues have gone home from work, when I find a moment to talk to them, and I woke friends up when I called to check in at the end of my day here in CA. This is another advantage that I feel as a midwesterner, we are in the middle, it is not more than 2 hrs. ever to talk to people in either coast! I have much that I want to share, but I can't figure out when to do it. It is days before I find myself back home, to my comfort zone. Meanwhile, I will struggle with time zones and appreciate all that I am enjoying right here in Northern California. And it is only a matter of weeks? Months? and MN will provide the #60 senate vote to override a filabuster by the republicans! A good thing no matter what time zone you are in.