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It has been a long time since I wrote about my sleep.  Yesterday was a big day,  lots of fun,  lots of food, long time being up, and to bed smiling and sighing!  I woke up at 1:30 a.m.  and went back to sleep in about 2 minutes, next wake up 6:30  very good for this post - surgical sleep apnea gal,  then I fell back to sleep again, and woke up after 8 a.m.  This was indication of tiredness, but also that my surgery in September has accomplished some of what was supposed to happen,  I can sleep longer uninterrupted, my sleep is of a better quality, and I breathe when I sleep.  I think all of those are happening, I go to have a sleep study in January, then back to the Dr. then we'll see what science says about my "condition". 

So a simple thing to be thankful for breathing and sleeping!
