The late afternoon started with my grandchildren, we went to our most favorite japanese bistro and sat at the sushi bar, and were happy, contented appreciative enjoyers of every dish that was sat in front of us! I love that their favorite neighborhood restaurant when at Gramma's is the sushi/noodle bistro. They especially love the rabato. Then we were off to our friends Thai restaurant where we had sticky rice and ice cream, and folded peace cranes! The place was packed with families - kids running around, the owners smiling, the wait staff running, everyone making cranes, toasting the new year. We had thai fortune cookies - my said that I was going to be successful in bed - what an omen for the new year! Now it is time and space for intention. I would like to share the peace prayer from the sufi order. We in the U.S. and in a number of other countries will all be praying sometime tonight or tomorrow. I hope that in whatever way you can and do - that you will take a moment ...