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I had been feeling pretty good lately about having my home state be the home of our soon to be president.  I mean Mayor Daly #1 was the mayor the entire time of my childhood and when I moved to the city of Chicago proper as a young adult he was still Mayor!  I have felt that people had warmed up to Chicago lately, but mostly just forgot that it was a big city.  I was feeling proud to be from Illinois and then it all comes roaring back, corruption, dead people voting, etc.  This Governor with a name that I cannot pronounce or remember has taken the cake - or at least tried to have his cake and more too!  I would laugh if it wasn't so sad - and such an example of where we are in American politics, why not just take the highest bidder!  Isn't that was capitalism is all about?  We sure are keeping our federal agents busy, with Governor's selling senate seats,  now even in squeaky clean MN they are trying to figure out if our honorable sr. senator was involved in his wife being paid (handsomely I might add) for a job that she never did by a friend of the family so to speak.  Oh, this is going to make for more fun on saturday night live!  If only it were funny.
