What a week, Minnesota is reeling. The budget deficit continue to grow. The Senate election recount is still going, ballots (with the exception of mail in ballots) have all been counted, well except the 133 ballots they can't find in Minneapolis...the State canvassing board met today and they start slogging through the 4000+ contested ballots. Headlines in the paper about the staff at nursing home abusing residents with dementia...I am reading a book "Trauma Stewardship" which is about the deep authentic layers of caring for ourselves when effected by secondary trauma, burnout. People think that the folks who work in state government are out of touch way removed, but I watch people everyday who feel very responsible if in any way the system fails a person. All of us have to sort out, to understand how we best can center, nurture, process and not have the abuses, shortcomings and neglect of our systems incapacitate us. It has been a hard week, a great desire to transform, the hope of the Obama administration the reality of what it real for today. Then when driving home I see this huge clear big light beam moon just shining down. It is very full and will soon slowly let go grow smaller, disappear and slowly move once again to fullness. The tides of the sky, the tides of our hearts. Really a bonus that it is Friday.