Yesterday I was just too crestfallen to blog. I came home from my library shift, made a delicious meal for myself, continued knitting on my swatch to get my gauge and when i opened up the computer and typed Wednesday I was just flooded with images of Trump embroiling and inciting and feeding off of his lies and his power feeding manipulations to incite hate in others and to justify all of his entititlements of white supremacy, money mongering and just plan destruction of democracy. Well you see why and you as a reader can be glad that I didn’t let it rip yesterday! So today is a beautiful day. It was pre dawn light at around 3 this morning. I took it in, and then promptly fell back to sleep until 8:30! I made myself a breakfast smoothie and am sitting on the back deck. I am going to Bangor this afternoon and staying overnight. There is a Pride Event at the Penobscot Theater and I am looking forward to the reception and then seeing Sheer Madness! ...