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What Day Is It Anyway?

I tried to find some kind of quarantine calendar,  they were either something so structured or of such dark humor that I just decided to put up some good color, not sure when, where or how I took this picture.  It seems fitting that is almost how I feel about everything right now.   

It is Tuesday,  I lost Monday - it started out lovely,  did morning meditation,  did my immunity boosting tai chi and then there was just a series of little things.  Made grocery list,  did some dishes,  had several phone calls, and did a load of laundry.   I was just off,   on one phone call I felt like I was a little crabby, not very able to listen well and it just felt like we weren't connecting as well as usual.   I also tried a new recipe,  it took some concentration and there were a number of steps.  Not the best choice on a day when I was clearly less than grounded with myself.

I remembered that in first self-isolation 14 days, it was at that half-way point that I was more on edge.   I was feeling every ache and pain,  imagining my hurting joints, and took my temperature several times after having it be a little elevated 98.2 --- I am a in the 97's type of person.   I felt tired.   I realized that I just needed to go take a nap.  

Before that I did a little breathing meditation.  Trying of trying to just be present in myself.  It helped, off to bed.   I spent some time reading a new book on my kindle, it was engaging and somewhat mindless reading - perfect.   I was able to go to sleep and I awoke feeling more rested, less scared and more ready to just carry on.   

The soup I made was good,  Greek  Egg-Lemon Soup.   My book was a good "buddy" for the day.   I watched the PBS Newshour at 7 pm.   

The news is not heartening.  I do want to know to be able to process what is happening with this virus.  What is happening in our world.    

I slept for a couple of hours, then was wide awake,  maybe it was the late afternoon nap,  the news,  the middle of my self-isolation - I finished reading my book.  I started another.   I had a zoom call at 9 a.m.  it seemed to close, and finally sleep.  I woke up and realized that I totally spaced out blogging on Monday. 

Today, more mindful.   Be present, eat good food, and rest.  Realizing I need to rest, lay down even if I don't feel tired.  The weight of the pandemic is real.  I have not had a hug or any physical human contact  since March 28th.   In Phoenix,  I had my friends,  I had hugs,  I had Abbie my doggie friend.  I could talk to the cats.    

I took a break from typing for a moment right now, I closed my eyes,   I envisioned walking with friends,  arms around each other.  Holding hands,  I love holding hands.  It was good enough.  I could feel the touch.  We are all in this together.

It is Tuesday.  Day 10 and I am counting.  There is nothing more on my calendar today.  The blog is done.
