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Blogs, Debates and Knitting

I have been exploring other blogs, as it has been several weeks for me - and outside of some white light pain days, I have managed to let something move through me, out my fingers, onto the keyboard and here it is!   Mark Siegel's blog is a great read,  The 19th Floor (I don't know how to hyperlink yet - so just google away!)  The 37 days,  a blog by Patti Digh--she just wrote a book about her blog called life is a verb.  Both these bloggers have a wry and wonderful sense of humor -- which I am hoping to improve upon for myself.   It is amazing that we have this whole way in which we communicate out there, and who knows who is reading this, its like pebbles in the water --- wonder what effect the ripples will have.

I watched "the debate" with my friend Jane --- Obama's civility, his understanding of judgement, and his sense of how to be strategic, not forgetting what we are attempting to impact -- all pluses for me.  I am sure there will be much more said -- and next Thursday is the next one!  I started knitting at about the 45 minute mark tonite,  I'll get a whole sleeve done on Thursday.  39 days of knitting, a way to stay grounded as we all swirl our way to November.  I bet I can wear this newly knitted sweater on election eve!  

Feeling better,  still take naps, but all is well on the recovery front!
