I am going to start back to work part time next week. See how it goes. I am very aware that I am still healing in so many ways, and my energy is still erratic - so I am so appreciative and have such gratitude that I am able to take the time I need to recover and recuperate. I have been thinking a lot about the women who have to go back to work way before they are ready, and they come home exhausted and have to do all the things necessary for their households. That I have insurance and sick leave --- it is quite an indictment of our country that I have feel "lucky" to have these fundamental supports.
In the midst of the political stirrings and realities there is something deeper more attached to my heart that is present as I heal. I have so appreciated my backyard patio, and while sitting in the sun, I noticed my neighborhood cardinal in a bush along the lot line. He is so brilliant red, and the leaves are so very green. It took a moment for me to recognize what I was seeing-I watched him for a long time, and it seemed as if he was watching me. I was marveling at how absolutely right he seemed in the middle of the bush - just daring anyone to notice how stunningly beautiful he is - and then without a blink he was gone, flying low across my yard. I know he will return and I hope I am here to greet him.