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View from UM Hospitals - 6A

Not quite 48 hrs. since the surgery was complete ---- I am still in hospital and hope that I will come home on Monday -- three necessary things: 1. swallowing that is very hard and I have just had little successes - this a.m. I swallowed a pill almost marathon like...The ENT Dr. yesterday said Day 2 was the worse, this morning she told me day 3 the story is there is just alot of pain. 2. hydration I have to be able to swallow and chew it would not be good to dehydrate I don't know what the magic amount but I haven't hit it yet. Right now this consists of Kim's amazingly wonderful chicken brooth diluted to the right salinity and ensure - my daughter thinks I will appreciate losing a few more pounds. 3. pain management wheening off of morphine (no morphine suckers) and am now trying a pain med in pill form - more swallowing!

I think I am going to need some good support upon return home, thank you all who are on the schedule for this week. Kate's acupuncture and cranial sacrum work has really helped - Sasha, Luke, Myah and Cindy stopped by yesterday. Even when sleeping it feels good to have someone sitting by I can feel the caring- thank you all.. here's hoping for a good day today...
