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A Break for Bowling

Oh how I love the Bryant Lake Bowl ( - ,  it is a place where I have been over many years, with many different people.  It is the first place that my grandchildren went bowling, they thought all bowling alleys, served organic foods and they could get rice and veggies.  Today my friend Pat and I decided bowling would be a good way to start off the week!  We had both been doing fix up and other tasks around our homes and thought a few games in the late afternoon would be great fun.  Today has been one of those fall days that is a true reminded of what is to come in Minnesota.  The winds were howling early this morning, they woke me up,  there were strong gusts and it was predicted that the wind could be over 50 mph, that is some wind.  Mid-morning the winds were still blowing and it started to snow,  nothing stuck but it was the real thing - snow - October 26th.  It was a good day for staying inside, and I was feeling bad for the door knockers out there doing the final canvassing and getting people to remember to go vote -- the up side, was people were probably at home.  Now about me leaving home,  the BLB is funky, bar, restaurant (organic, sustainable food principle, good cooks, a fun bar, interesting bar tenders and wait staff, a theater, and a bowling (old old bowling alleys!)  What diversity right on the bowling lanes,  families with kids, lesbians kissing after each ball is thrown (some literally thrown), a rainbow of colors, and age, and lots of tattoos, great clothes, and  bowling balls bouncing along the lanes. While you bowl you can eat good food, having a drink of whatever, and just have fun.  I never broke 100, had one game where I got to 99, who cares just a gal out having fun on Sunday afternoon.
