The gathering started tonight. Aunt and Uncle arrived from Chicago, Gramma Peg and Barb arrived from Vernon County, G-MA drove from Minneapolis (where I am staying with my friend Beth), and the boyfriend arrived from work in St Paul, and the closest neighbor friends stopped in all to eat really good taco's, fajita's, and more. The taco's were the food celebrating the graduate was the real reason. Luke had a lacrosse alumni scrimmage, so some drove to the high school, some stayed back, and some left for home repair errands. Felt very familiar and oh so loving. Myah was almost giddy all evening long, so relaxed, so happy, and so proud of herself!
Today was not only about family and taco's but big rain storm. The heat had risen again today another 99 degree day, record breaking and then the storm fronts began to move in, the temperature dropped over 20 degrees and the winds blew, the rain was torrential and the hail, thankfully, only lasted a little bit.
It is Tuesday, next week I will be doing my library shift in Millinocket. I did another dry run with the suitcases. Verified who would be picking me up on Saturday. Balancing being present and being ready to leave early Saturday morning.
There are still adventures. I am feeling a little tired. Glad to have such a good place to lay my head down at the end of the day. Tomorrow is Graduation.