I found on Sunday and Monday that I just could not focus or did not have an idea of what I would say in my blog. On Sunday, I decided that I would take a break day, and yesterday it just didn't happen.
What did happen yesterday is that I made a final decision. I was going to return home this week. So after placing my call to American Airlines, waiting for a call back, having to talk with a supervisor because they were going to charge me a change fee, I was able to make a reservation to return to Maine no extra charges.
I will be on a plane at 6 a.m. Saturday (unless outside forces intervene-imagine that). I will be spending the rest of this week, getting myself ready, doing some cooking to put in Cindy's freezer and enjoying these last days of Arizona sun and warmth.
I have people that are driving my car to the airport, so I can safely drive myself home. I have ordered my misfits box weekly. I have a few grocery items that will be picked up for me and put in my ice chest for my return. My mail is being put on the porch so will be ready for sorting. I feel like I will have a virtual support team around me as I walk into my house on Saturday night.
Now that I know when I returning home I can feel some of the grief from the loss of plans, the time with friends, the abbreviated spring away. Not the end of the world but they are my losses and I am letting myself feel them.
I will miss my friend, we have hunkered down well together. I will miss the green of spring in the desert valley. I will miss the warmth of the sun. At home I will be able to notice the little signs of spring. Green shoots. I can walk by and check out the greenhouse in a couple of weeks. The trees will burst forth, the sun always wins. I have a little bit of Arizona sun and warmth to help with my "April is the cruelest month" moments.
So this week instead of leaving Arizona and heading for Houston, then driving to New Orleans I am heading home. What a story this will be when some of this is at our back. What is it that our new normal will be as we move forward. How will our communities bend an flex to reshape themselves in more innovative and cooperative ways? Will we continue to be more loving, more kind?
All of this is with me know and will be with me when I open the door to my home in 4 days from today.
Stay safe. Be Well. Day 24 of Spring Away.