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Thumbs Up Thursday

It was a grey day today it made for a slow waking morning.  Homemade pancakes and a cup of tea to start the day, then I made some lists:  what to do today and what to get when I go (hopefully) to Houlton on Saturday.  Today's list included the post office, the hardware and the grocery -- so off I went.  

After getting back home I went upstairs.  I have now gone through all the boxes and suitcases in my bedroom.  It feels like home, I have things that I love all around me and I have another room that is OK for right now.   I had nice breaks throughout the day.  A couple of good phone calls.  A long spell of reading,  I am almost done with this month's  Book Club read that is happening next Thursday.  I have everything ready for Dawn to come on Monday to varnish the built in's and redo the risers. More space is opening up.  It is easier to just stop.  There are many places that feel peaceful and familiar to heart.  A few pictures that I love are out where I can see them. 

I have a chicken in the oven.  NPR on the radio and I am hunkered down for the night.  I feel good about my day.  Tomorrow another day,  another box or 2 or maybe more.  I am hoping that the sun will make an appearance tomorrow.  I am closing in on two weeks in my house.  Oh my oh my,  it is Thursday and all is well.


Anne said…
Sounds perfect!! So cozy and happy!