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Oh What a Beautiful Morning!

I woke early this morning, and decided to go crawl onto the day bed in my "middle room", it is a small space with day bed, a bedside table and a shelf with CD player and most of my CD's.  There is a shelf all around 3 of the wall near the top and facing east is a nice sized rectangle window.  I like that it faces east and because it is on the second floor I get a different view of the sun rising (especially in the winter when the sun is so very low in the sky).  I wrapped up in one of the many throws on the bed and just enjoyed watching the sky change.  

One thing that I miss about my house in Minneapolis is that I had big sliding glass doors in my dining that faced east and almost every morning I sat at my table and watched the morning light before I went off to work.  It was "my time" .  This morning I got to enjoy the light and also remember the many good days that I would just breathe in the morning sky.  

My retirement life is getting fuller, I am serving on the Planning Board in my little town, and we have been working hard in reviewing our Comprehensive Plan so that we can report out to the Select Board and the residents at the Annual Meeting.  I have also just said yes to being on the  Steering Committee for the Katahdin Collaborative.  

I am enjoying the people that I am working with and the work itself.  It is exciting, and a number of other adjectives, to be a part of the regional work of making the Katahdin Region a place that people want to live, work, play, visit and prosper.   So I find myself doing more work that was like the work that I did before I retired  -  going to meetings,  spending time at the keyboard - creating planning documents  --- working hard to communicate both in speaking up and listening well.   Good work and I am cognizant of balance and remembering that indeed I am retired and that means that I have "space" in my life, just for life....

However, right now I have my volunteering, and today I was at the library in Millinocket doing my shift.  I have just a few more shifts this month and I am taking a little break and will not be on a regular schedule until I return from my spring time away.  I will miss my work, my co-workers, and the people that use the library - and I know that they will be there when I return!  

The mail was on the circulation desk when I got to the library this morning (we open up at noon on Tuesdays) and I took a picture of what was waiting for me.

What a greeting.  Don't need to say too much, just that she is one of hero's these days!  Go Nancy go - hold those feet to the fire!

