Last night the wind blew and blew and today we had blue skies and bright sunshine! I enjoyed a lazy morning and then went out to Ambajesus Lake and onto the Northwoods to get a little lunch. It absolutely felt like fall. The sky was brilliant and although the sun shown bright, you could feel the coolness in the air. After lunch I headed back to Millinocket for another visioning session, this one on Community Centers - good conversations, good ideas and so fun to be hanging out in the guest house! In between visioning sessions stopped in at Picker's Paradise-found some good bargains at the end of the season sale, including an beautiful mahogony table with 3 leaves!!! Then back to visioning, last session was of emerging opportunities...good news we have more than is exciting and I am looking forward to what get's crystallized over the next few days.
Then off to South Twin Lake for a Fall Equinox Ritual with Sue Van Hook. Such a beautiful ritual, we gathered pieces for our mandala as we walked to the lake, called the directions, chanted, sang, meditated and harvested the abundance and beauty of the changing season. Acknowledged our place as Crones in the world. Watched the sunset, closed the circle and walked back to the cabin. I am still smiling and happy and full of the power and beauty of acknowledging the changing of the seasons. It is so easy to feel family with all the footsteps, the rituals, the honoring of the earth that has for centuries happened on this earth.
I came home and read Mary Oliver, reached out to people important to me. And now I am getting ready to open a book, to settle in for the night.
It is the autumnal equinox - the harvest is here - gratitude abounds.