The morning started slow with a soft breeze and big sun. I got to be with the four legged's while their Mom's went out to golf. We lounged, watched a little Sunday Morning political commentary and then off for a little inaugural dip in the pool. It was cool and took a little bit to get body acclimated, I am not one who just jumps in, but then it was luxurious. Full sun, a little breeze, floating around me and the little yellow ducky. Sunday is good. Then a catch up call with family, more talking about the fabulous day that Luke and the rest of them had, as it became clear that Luke and his team were really finalists for the History Day Contest. I am still smiling, there were literally thousands of entries to History Day. Of course when you get that close to winning it all, it is a disappointment to come in to fourth place, but wow what an accomplishment. I went out to get my fingers and toes polished, have a little lunch and take a...