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Light Rail Explorations and Frozen Food!

It was another windy day in Phoenix and as I write the mountains to the north look like they are wrapped in a dust bowl,  The palms are really weaving back and forth and I am glad that I headed home when I did late this afternoon.

Today was the day that electrical work was being done that would affect all of the 12th floor.  A memo had gone out over the weekend and I knew that the power would be off from 8-5.  I got up and made my tea, watched the morning news and decided that I would not put the perishables into the freezer until the power went out!  So around 9 a.m. there goes the power!  I put my Power Beet Tonic, half and half and cottage cheese in the freezer.

You don't need a light to pack in the morning so I spent time getting all my things ready for my one week trip up into the mountains.  We are starting out tomorrow morning and I am ready!  Had a phone call with my friend who I am staying with and we finalized our plans for tomorrow and both of us set off to start our days.

I discovered some things,  in the kitchen is one of what I think of as a "magic" faucet that you just wave your hand and the water goes on and off.  Guess what it doesn't do that when there is no electricity.  There was water in bathroom sink and tub! 

Decided that even though it was supposed to be windy I was going to take the light rail to Tempe and explore the University town!  As usual as I got near to Central Avenue there goes the westbound train!  I have watched the train go by every time I have great timing,  the good news about light rail is in another 7 minutes there is another train and there was and I got on it!

I liked the ride today, went through downtown and saw how the light rail stop linked to the airport.  Went through an area where there were lots of cactus especially Saguro's.  Then Mesa and onto Tempe.  I got off at Mill Avenue, which reminded me of State Street in Madison, WI  or Dinkytown in MN.  Lots of fun shops and plenty of places to drink.  I walked the length of Mills Avenue and then explored some of the campus.  Some beautiful architecture and fun to be in a vibrant college neighborhood.  Had late lunch and then back on the train.  Took the train a little further just to see the scenery and then headed back to the Urban Oasis.  Good thing!  By the time I got off the train, the winds were whipping up, things were blowing around, and I was feeling the resistance of the wind and my eyes and lungs were feeling the bad effects from all the dust and whatever that was blowing around.

Made it back to the condo!  It was 4 pm but the electricity was back on and I went to the freezer to retrieve the few things that I had put in there earlier this morning.  Alas,  the beet tonic was frozen and the bottle busted, beet juice frozen chunks all over and glass shards everywhere.  Yogurt was frozen and so was the cottage cheese.  It never occurred to me that they would get down early, but they did and the freezer works really well.   All cleaned up!  Water in sink on!  Wind is dying down.  Thursday in Phoenix!
