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Return to the Valley Oasis

Today I started my official house and four legged sitting!  Having been amply trained, reminded and prepared the Moms set off for LA looking very Californian and I settled back into the splendid life at the Valley Oasis.  Luna and Abby are doing quite well, and of course I know where all the treats are, and when it might be a good time to have a little treat.

I took a walk this afternoon did a little scooping out the neighborhood,  this is much more neighborhood and much less urban, the house is at the end of the cul-de-sac and you do see folks out but not so much.  I imagine it is much less come June and July!   One street up were some guys working on their house with a MN Vikings flag waving in the yard,  I acknowledged the flag and got a big welcome.

I got my nails painted ( I know for many of you that is so un MA like) it seems like the thing to do when in the southwest!  I also found a couple of items at the great second hand store,  and a big bonus was I discovered a Russian grocery store and deli!  I went into Yasha was greeted in Russian, and then with a smile a very nice welcome in English.  I spent part of my childhood and then time in Minneapolis in Eastern European neighborhoods and there were many familiar and more exotic and fun looking items that I was wondering just how they tasted.  After the clerks determined this was my first time in the store, they offered many tasting and had lots of smiles as I made some what they must have thought good selections.

Back at the house the four leggeds and I are having a lazy quiet Sunday afternoon.

I am feeling very grateful and am aware of my very good fortune.  I am someone who never thought much about retiring and mostly just enjoyed my work,  kept focusing on that and not on all that I would do when I retired.  So a few months into my second year of retirement I am feeling like I am learning how it is I want to be retired, at least in this first phase of retirement.  I like making room for adventures, even when I sometimes have to really encourage myself to adventure on....

I am pleased with the feeling of balance, spontaneity and being present that I am breathing in and out of each day.  I like what happens when I am open to what may come.  So another week ends and one begins.  I have some plans for Monday and Wednesday,  I know I will return to the Urban Oasis and that I am heading up into the Pondersosa Pine Forest on Friday!  I am sending warm, well wishes to all of those I love and care about in the North East and Mid West.  I know that most of you are wishing that winter would just end,  and I know it will.  Easy for me to say I am in Arizona and I won't even tell you what the temperature is today.  There are always these last miserable hoorays that winter seems determined to make, and I do know it only makes that warmth of the sun on your cheeks even more delightful and sweet.  The sun will win, it always does.

May we all have some moments on this Sunday to just enjoy being in our skin and hunkering down to with a little ease to just be here right now.  Wishing for a little Oasis for us all on this Sunday.
