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BIA Indian Schools - The Heard Museum Does Not Sugar Coat!

I spent the afternoon at the Heard Museum,  I am happy to say that I am now a member, and I am glad to support their mission:

"The mission of the Heard Museum is to be the world’s preeminent museum for the presentation, interpretation and advancement of American Indian art, emphasizing its intersection with broader artistic and cultural themes."

I have been to the museum several times, thank you Karen and Jen for introducing me to such a great institution!  We have gone to events,  I bought a great Lacrosse book for Grandson Luke, we have walked through the exhibits but today was the first day that I took a guided tour and it was great.  Our tour focused on the history, culture and art of the Pueblo, Hopi and Apache people.  Each exhibit is so thoughtfully conceived,  pieces range for the earliest days that their are artifacts to modern day, our tour guide led us through decades an centuries discussing influences and struggles and how tribes retained their cultural, spiritual and native beliefs and practices.

Many of you know that my son in law is a tribal member of Prairie Island Mdewakanton Sioux my grandchildren are also Tribal Members.   The story of what was done to American Indians by our government has been much too one sided or romanticized, the Heard Museum exists to tell a much truer and respectful story.   After the tour I went through the permanent exhibit on Indian Schools,  the pictures above are from the exhibit.  It was powerful, and informational and somehow at the end of it hopeful that in spite of every effort by the schools and the mission of the U.S. Government Indian culture and pride was not obliterated as hoped, but found ways to honor, respect and lead their lives as Indians. 

It is so sobering, racial and cultural genocide and I love that I can go to this Museum see absolutely amazingly beautiful objects and pieces of art, and to learn more about people and culture each time I visit.  It was a good afternoon in Phoenix.

My day was not all culture and exploration, it started at 6:30 a.m. being on Library Operations Committee conference call,  that is way early for a work call.  It was complicated by a glitch in the wifi here, so we moved from a Skype call to a phone connection!   We got some good work done, and I am glad to say that I don't have another 6:30 a.m.  meeting for two weeks.

My saga with returned postal items continues to unfold, my homeopathic remedy is now back on it way to me in Phoenix.  I know that the "box" is on it's way back to my house in Millinocket.  Some day it will all be where I need it to be, that day is NOT today!  But the "knowing" does make me feel better!  I purchased my monthly public transit pass, and took the light rail back and forth from the Museum.  I survived the heat! 

A good Tuesday in Phoenix.  I get to see my friends tonight and begin to think about what my tomorrow might look like.   I have a whole month of exploration, enjoyment and just being present here in Arizona and beyond before I get on a plane on May 10th to fly to Minnesota!  I am hoping that spring will have finally found it's way by then, and the sun rising higher in the sky and staying longer into the night will warm the earth and the hearts of my northern family and friends. 

For me it is warm, sunny and the mountain range is shimmering in the late afternoon sun. 
