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Sunday, Sunday Sweet Sunday

What a beautiful day!  This is my last day at Jackie's house, I will be staying at a fun Airbnb until I leave on Wednesday for Arizona.  My stay has been wonderful but my allergies are not and I am off to a cat free home for a few days!

We had a wonderful dinner I loved cooking for everyone, and had fun making pickled beets and eggs!  It was a bonus that Jackie's Mom was able to have Easter Supper with us.  She cleaned up her entire plate, and I understand that does not happen ever!  She said she loved it, and I am glad she did.  She is in an assisted living home, quite a beautiful campus.  However,  it is always the best when she gets to be with Jackie in her home.  The rest of us, Jackie's friend Barb, Jackie and I all loved the meal and it was a really wonderful end of my stay at Jackie's house.

Not only was it Easter Sunday but it was the Championship Game of the women's basketball finals.  What a game it was and for excitement another "basket at the buzzer" to win the game.  Notre Dame came  back from being behind most of the game.  Mississippi State played an amazing game, and I was rooting for them.  I was hoping that Mississippi State would not lose for the second year in a row in the championship game.  But someone had to lose and they did lose a heart breaker.

So another week ends and another chapter begins on my spring journey. 
